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Florida High School Baseball Suspended: Coaches React

It has been a tough week for high school baseball here in the state of Florida. With all teams across the state shutdown indefinitely, we have reaction from coaches around the state…Enjoy!

“I think we are in uncharted times so whatever the decision making individuals decide as the appropriate measures for the health and safety of our citizens it is not an over reaction. Always error on the side of caution. History will decide if we as a nation handled this crisis the correct way.

I hope as this health crisis plays itself out that everyone stays healthy and safe. As the days past I hope this is not a lost season and at some point baseball will resume maybe early summer if not sooner. Let’s pray that wisdom and intelligence will prevail” – Nova Manager Pat McQuaid

“Right now the situation we are all in is so unprecedented, that there are a wide range of thoughts and emotions involved for both players and coaches. On one end, we hope the impact of this virus is minimal on our population and hopefully these precautions help in keeping the number of people affected to a very few. On the baseball end, we hope that we actually get back out there this season and our kids have a chance to have a season and a playoff run.

Most importantly – On the grand scale of things, if our families come through it healthy then we should all be happy. This is definitely a once in a lifetime scenario we are living through; something none of us have been through before – it is horrible that kids in high school and college had, or might have, an entire season taken away from them.

This is a true and serious eye-opener for anybody that may have taken the game for granted or not understood how precious every day is when we get to go out on the field together” – Belen Jesuit Manager Jerry Albert

“It is a tough situation all the way around. With all the uncertainty around us, I completely understand the decision to shut this down for the time being. I hope that things turn for the better and that we can somehow salvage this season for the players who have spent all this time preparing for the season, especially the seniors.” – Tampa Jesuit Manager Miguel Menendez

“As a staff we always talk about not taking things for granted not only in baseball but in life. On the field, we Talk about stretching and throwing pre game with a purpose. During games we talk about Leaving it all on the field. Life is precious and you never know when it will be your last throw, last at bat and now for our seniors they might have played their last baseball game. There is still a lot of unknown, but we got to trust God’s plan, our country’s leaders, and rally and support each other and be thankful we live in the greatest country in the world.” – Taravella Manager Joe Giummule

“I’ve been thinking about what I could give you as a quote but its just to depressing to think about it. It really sucks that the season is probably going to end because of this. But it is 100% the right thing to do. Hope everyone stays healthy.” – Dywer Manager Alex Morales

“The obvious response is that it stinks and with each passing day I’m less confident we’ll be able to get back out there. It’s starting to set in how serious this will be and the sacrifices needed to get past it. I feel so bad for the kids in all sports who can’t do something they love after school each day. Kids and parents count on that daily structure after the bell. Most will continue to make good decisions but some may not and that’s a little scary…I hope they learn that things can be taken away quickly and that life doesn’t always let you have a say. It’s going to take time to get past the “life’s so unfair” stage and when we do we can start reflecting on lessons learned and planning how to move forward.” – Wellington Manager Scott Riddle

“While we are devastated by the news of the shutdown, we understand that the public health and safety should take top priority. That doesn’t mean we aren’t in pain because we don’t get to compete right now because we are. I am heartbroken for my team, especially the seniors. We are hoping that everyone abides by the rules of social distancing so that we can flatten the curve of the spread of the Covid-19 virus so that we can maybe get back into classrooms and on the baseball field at some point. I’m hoping everyone stays safe and healthy and our thoughts go out to everyone affected by this global tragedy.” – North Broward Prep Manager Brian Campbell

“A very unfortunate situation, not only for us the coaches but mainly for those seniors who might not have the opportunity to finish their high school careers like all the other players have before them. But in the big picture it is something that had to be done!”” – Sagemont Manager Armando Sierra

“This is a gut punch. In a year when our program has made its greatest strides and is making a mark, and our senior ace is one of the best in Miami, the rug is pulled out from under us. But, baseball is life. And this is a curveball. While all of us may lose a season, we have to endure and hope to play again in April.” – Doctors Charter Manager Paul Calli

“I have to approach this thing with two mindsets. Obviously first and foremost I have to see and understand how this shutdown is the best decision for our student-athletes at the moment. As a coach I have to do what’s best for the student-athletes and their health is my number one priority.

I think it is ok at the same time to reflect on how unfortunate this is for student-athletes across the country. Being that Parrish Community HS only has freshmen and sophomore we were building something we were excited about for the future. We were learning and teaching lessons every day with the hope we’d see them pay off at the end of the year or in seasons to come. I want our boys to take from this shutdown that tomorrow is never promised. I want them to imagine what this would be like for seniors across the country. That’s who I really feel for in a time like this.” – Parrish Manager Brett Andrzejewski

“It is unfortunate and sad. I feel bad the seniors that have put a lot of time and effort into it, For a lot of the seniors it is there last chance to play baseball and they have worked there whole life to have that one last chance. I would hope the district and counties would do whatever they can to keep the season going even if it means having a very short season then playoffs. My biggest fear is they cancel the season. I would be in favor of playing the games in front of no fans before canceling the season…But in the end safety comes first so we need to wait and see.” – Timber Creek Manager Tim Beaman

“Complete over-reaction. I’ll leave it at that. Hard to tell 12 seniors just as we started to heat up that they may never put on an OH Lion jersey again. We can’t practice, cant go on campus. Its miserable.” – Olympic Heights Manager Casey Beck

“When we all join together, we maximize our efforts at stopping the virus from spreading. And that is our goal with this decision- to play our part in the community at stopping the virus from infecting more people. Our student-athletes understand this and they’re doing their part, but I feel so bad for them, especially the seniors who will never get to suit up again.” – David Posnack Athletic Director Wayne Stofsky

“Though I understand the concerns throughout the world concerning the virus, I am saddened that we have had to take these drastic measures. The look on the players faces was devastating when I had to inform them that the season has been postponed.

I feel for the seniors who are in the last year of their high school career and are now wondering what the future holds for them pertaining to possible athletic and academic scholarships.

Life has many challenges and we all have been challenged with this epidemic. This too shall pass. I just hope that it passes in time for our players to complete some type of season.” – Palmetto Panthers Manager Danny Smith

“I am in shock on how fast this all happened. Too think if someone told us a few weeks ago this was coming and our entire world would be coming to a complete stand still. I don’t think anyone would have believed it.” – Palmetto Tigers manager Rich Glass

“The shutdown is really a sad thing for our baseball seniors but at the same time safety comes first!” – Miami Manager Edwin Bonilla

“The biggest thing everyone is dealing with is the uncertainty. At first many people didn’t take it to seriously, but there has to be something to this with all of these suspensions and cancellations of sporting events and major companies changing hours of operation, CDC/health recommendations, etc.

From a selfish standpoint and thinking solely about baseball, it affects the program when you think about the seniors and how they possibly played their final game already.” – Braddock Manager Wesley Morejon

“I know this may feel scary because of the uncertainties but we will get through this and come out the other end of this stronger and united. This shutdown is only temporary but necessary to take care of ourselves.” – Jupiter Christian Manager Ray White

“I recognize what a disappointing time this is for the players, coaches, parents and our fans. Our greatest priority is the health and safety of our community during these uncertain times. We need to do our part and follow all the safety guidelines. The healthier we get the sooner we can go back to our normal life.” – Pembroke Pines Charter Manager Carlos Iglesias

“I think that this situation is unfortunate. It’s a serious subject. Having a young team making the strides that we will be negatively affected by this stoppage. Weather it be for a couple of weeks or for the rest of the spring. Non the less we understand the precautions and will adhere to whatever the district says. Everyone should take the necessary precautions. Stay safe!!!!” – Miami Beach Manager Charlie Garcia

“The shutdown is definitely unfortunate. It’s a situation that is out of the control of us as coaches and programs. I feel for the seniors who are losing a significant portion of their final season. Uncommitted seniors are losing valuable reps heading into summer ball as they search for scholarships and places to play next year. It’s something we can’t control, we just have to deal with it as it progresses.” – Lake Worth Christian Manager Austin Johnson

“We work all year for this one season. I feel the worst for the seniors and the unknown if their high school careers are over. I will do all I can to support them and make sure they get what they need even if it falls into the summer months. This is not about championships at this time, it’s about allowing those kids to finish their high school careers like all before them. It is all in Gods timing.” – Calvary Christian manager Gil Morales

“Most important first is, It’s tragic that our world is suffering through this. I hope we find a cure soon and everything going back to normal activity as soon as possible. Hope all that have been affected get well soon.
On the baseball side, we have to take it day by day. I’m keeping close contact with my players to stay healthy, safe, and active till our season gets back underway.” – TERRA Manager Steven Suarez

“We are in uncharted waters. It’s unfortunate the pandemic has had this effect on professional, college, and now high school sports. We can only hope that high schools will be able to eventually resume. However, we must do what’s best for everyone’s safety.” – Santaluces Manager Nick Franco

“I understand the situation, suspending the season is the right thing to do at this moment, but if they decide to cancel the season it will be a tragedy. So many kinds have so much on the line in the way of scholarship opportunities now and next year. Canceling the remainder of the season would not be good. I hope they reevaluate the situation and let the kids play. If they can attend school then they should be able to play sports!” – Coral Springs Manager Mike Federman

“We’ve got to try to stay positive and hopefully we can get back to playing maybe in 15 or 20 days because this is a difficult time for everybody. Hopefully everybody will stay safe.” – Doral manager Ralph Suarez

“This is a game of adjustments, While this is a large adjustment that is not normal, my players are ready to meet the challenge head on.” – Kings Academy Manager Jarrod Saltalamacchia

“Like a lot of individuals, it stinks. But sometimes life is bigger than just baseball. I feel really bad for the seniors because this might be the way their high school season ends. Hopefully things don’t end, and we can have something at the end for the season.” – Jupiter Manager Andy Mook

“I hate to see the baseball seasons being suspended but when you really look at it, it is the right thing to do. We need to protect the kids. The kids might survive the virus but if they carry it home and they have older parents or grandparents living with them that is the problem. Be proactive is the right thing to do.” – Seffner Christian Academy Manager Sal Giardina

“Players and coaches very disappointed with the shut down of the season, however we do understand that the timing with spring break etc it makes perfect sense. With that being said, I hope calmer heads prevail and decision-makers remove themselves from the news media hype. Lets come back in April and play ball. 20,000 people die each year from the regular flu that’s been here forever. The numbers do not support the media induced frenzy that we are experiencing. Life goes on and I hope we resume the athletic programs in the very near future.” – Deerfield Manager Chuck Brown

“I sent this to my players last Monday. As coaches we try to instill many teachings not only about baseball but about life. This is the first group of young men and women ( Seniors specifically) who simultaneously learn this very tough lesson, all is finite. It all ends. Relish the moment, appreciate what you have, don’t waste your time, have a sense of urgency, you’ll miss it when it’s gone. Leave it all out on the field. Live without regrets.” – Gulliver Prep Manager Manny Crespo

“The health and safety of our student-athletes, coaches, families, fans, and school community is of paramount importance. I support the decision to shutdown athletics and school until this epidemic is resolved. Every season a team goes through some type of adversity that attacks our resolve. Our program is based around love, family and faith.

During this time we lean on these for guidance and remain steadfast in the belief the 2020 season will resume at some point. Until then my program, will use this time for personal growth, reflection and spend time with our families.

I’m confident in our leaders both locally and nationally to make the best decisions possible for our future. I ask that everyone takes time to pray for our state, country and world.” – Centennial Manager Phil Russ

“While it is frustrating to have our season ended due to unforeseen circumstances that were completely out of our control, we are happy that neither our players and coaches nor any of their family members are currently afflicted with the Covid 19 virus. We pray that these new safety measures continue to keep these people, and everyone else, safe from disease and that this world wide crisis comes to a swift end.

We are saddened by the fact that our graduating seniors have lost the opportunity to play their final year of high school baseball but we remain truly grateful for the years that we have been blessed to work with them. We are very proud of the tremendous young men they have grown into and we look forward to observing their continued growth and development in the years to come!” – Palmer Trinity Assistant Coach Jeff Rose

“I was shocked at first when I heard the news. I have 5 seniors on the team and there is a possibility that they played their last high school game last week. But at the end of the day I’m more concerned about the safety of the players and this is the best thing to do at this time.” – Glades Central manager Rene Leon

“The unprecedented impact of COVID-19 is requiring we all take stock in the positive impact we can make to it’s eventual resolution. We are optimistic for the best possible outcome for our families, friends, teammates, and selves. It is disappointing after the weeks and in some cases months of work that have gone into the preparation for the season, but our guys are processing that in relation to the impact this crisis is having on our lives. We look forward to a return to normalcy and hopefully resumption of our season.” – Community School of Naples Manager Chad Ott

“Unfortunately this situation is unprecedented so it is hard to determine the actual impact it will have but with a team comprised of 11 seniors this year, my heart really goes out to those guys. With that being said, hopefully we get to finish this year out because those kids deserve to end their high school careers on their own terms. This group of kids are very close with one another and this hiatus will definitely impact us but these kids are strong mentally and will overcome this regardless of the time it takes. I just hope everyone stays safe and the hiatus is minimal.” – Coral Springs Charter Manager Charlie Fine

“Despite all that has happened, ‘There is no Crying in Baseball’. It hurts for the outgoing seniors, but keep in mind that things change day-by-day, we will carry on and overcome together.” – Dr. Krop Manager Paul Barrios

“It’s been a difficult few days, going from no games to no practice to possibly having the season over. When coaches tell their players to play like it’s your last game. Many seniors they may have played their last game. The great thing about baseball is there is always tomorrow. These are sayings we never thought would be true in the middle of March. Safety is always the number one concern for students and athletes so I understand, but it doesn’t heal the heartache for the kids.” – Palmetto Manager Nolan Lofgren

“It’s wild how quickly this whole situation snowballed. If you had told me at this time last week we were in danger of losing our season – I would’ve thought you were crazy…but here we are. I feel for the seniors who have potentially played their last baseball game – to have it taken like this just plain sucks. But I suppose that it is better to exercise caution now than regret not doing so later.” – Cardinal Newman Manager JR Edwards

“First and foremost my heart goes out to all of the seniors at all schools. From a personal standpoint, we hope and pray that this season is salvaged. Going 9-13 last year and getting off to an 8-2 start this year, we all felt like we were building something special.” – Boca Manager Ken Muller

“As a first year head coach this can be a big blow to our program. We’ve worked hard to show these guys our culture and our new way of doing things, so to not have this rest of the season is certainly not ideal. I feel for our seniors, four of the five seniors we have are not moving on to play college baseball, so there’s a chance they’ve played their last baseball game ever. This isn’t the way I envisioned my first season as a head coach ending. None of us are sure what’s going to happen in the coming weeks, I just hope everyone stays safe and healthy and we can get back to work as soon as possible.” Pine Crest Manager Brett Scarberry

“I am very shocked by the situation. I absolutely agree with the decisions that have been made as I do believe that this is a very serious situation and it is better to be proactive than reactive. The hardest part is not knowing what to say to my players during this time. They have come together through so much adversity this year. They have committed to each other and to never giving up in route to the school’s first multi-win season since 2011, just to have everything abruptly shut down in the middle of the season. I have never seen anything like this in my life. In all other situations, I feel like I know exactly what to say to them and I know how to get everyone on the same page. This time, I have no idea what to say or do.” – Carol City Manager Anthony Ronco

“It is very disappointing to have the season halted, but when you look at the big picture you understand realize it is the right thing to do.” – Hardee Manager Steve Rewis

“I hope everyone takes this is as serious as they should, and that we all come back in time to give the seniors a last hurrah. Our program, as I imagine everyone else’s is, is shut down. We have asked our players to be diligent, follow safety precautions, and if possible, keep their arms and bodies is shape, just in case we are able to play baseball again.

This situation has definitely reiterated just how fragile life is, and that we never know when our last game will be played. Hope everyone stays safe, and that we can all meet on the ball-field soon.” – Keys Gate Charter Manager Rich Benevides

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